Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Weigh-In Wednesday

As you might guess, losing weight causes you to learn things about yourself. Here is something I have learned.....I am hard to live with when I don't get to constantly indulge in the foods I love!

Thankfully WW does not limit what you eat just how much of it you consume. I can have Ranch flavored rice cakes, I just can't eat the whole bag. This is where my self discovery has come from this week.

I think I have been in agressive attack mode this week (note the Tasmanian Devil). I am learning that one of the ways I handle stress or anxiety or anger is to eat. Nothing curbs negative feelings like a huge hamburger and fries or the occasional large bowl of ice cream. Not being able to sedate these emotions with food has led to a rough week with Colin. I definitely lost my cool too much and I am sure there were multiple times he wanted to throw me in the car, drop me at the nearest Mexican restaurant and not pick me up until I was full of fajitas and happy again! Even Zoe Scout told Colin this week that he needed to get me a Boba Thai Tea so that I would feel better. How observant she is............

It is a slow process trying to retrain your brain about food but very rewarding. I lost another 3 pounds this week! That puts me up to 12 pounds lost and more then 1/6 the way to my goal. I now look forward to stepping on the scale on Wednesday mornings because I know I will see my hard work reflected in the black numbers.

46 lbs to go.


  1. Yeah, you can't put very much past Zoe anymore. I'm proud of you! You're looking goooooood. :)
