Thursday, September 22, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday on Thursday

Yikes, I haven't done a very good job keeping up with Weigh-In Wednesdays on Wednesday. Note to self: must do better!

I learned something this week. Scrap-booking weekends are NOT good for the waist line.

I was out of town this last weekend at a scrap-booking retreat which was total fun. Fun not only for the actual scrap-booking but the food was good and abundant. I ate more, and more often then I do when I am at home. I also burned far less calories because there was no running around after little ones, only sitting, working, and wishing I could just kiss their cheeks!

This of course resulted in no weight loss but I did only put that half pound back on so I am counting it a victory!

I am headed to another scrap-booking weekend tomorrow and I will do much better this time. I am hoping for another full pound off next Wednesday.

One last thing.....I would like to publicly thank my sweet husband for allowing me to be gone 2 weekends in a row. He is very sweet to take care of the kids and give me some refueling time with my friends and my crafts! I love you, Colin!

52 lbs to go.

Do crafting supplies make anybody else salivate? I just wiped away some drool.

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