Yogurt is so delicious. It has become my new breakfast of choice along with some berries. It also makes a great snack when I am craving something kind of sweet (which seems to be more and more often). It is one of the ways I am trying to cut down on high calories treats.

In addition to making sweet substitutions I am trying my best to make salty substitutions also. Instead of chips I try to munch on veggies dipped in balsamic vinaigrette and my new obsession is barley salad. So addicting and I don't feel bad having seconds!
In the last 2 weeks I have dropped one pound. I feel like I really fought hard for this pound. My Dr. Pepper addiction has gotten the best of me lately and I had started to drive into Sonic almost every day again. I was starting to use the bubbly goodness as a stress reliever which is a path that ends in a Route 44 almost every day. Imagine trying to keep the boys from burrowing into the ash filled fireplace while doing your best to console a 4 year old sobbing over the death of a spider in Charlotte's Web, all when your husband is gone for 24 hours. Why yes, I think I will have a vanilla Dr. Pepper IV! Thank you very much!
52 lbs to go.
Oh, GO to Sonic! But get the diet limeade. It's bubbly goodness with NO calories You'll be surprised how delicious it is!