One of the things I am trying to change in my diet is eating more fish. I love fish so this hasn't been too hard.
A new thing I am going to try cooking is brussel sprouts. Several years ago my mother-in-law made them at Thanksgiving and I thought they were great so now I am going to try. I'll let you know how it goes.
This week I lost .6 pounds. Not as much as I would have liked but let me explain. We went out of state over the weekend which meant that every meal was eaten at a restaurant. Added on top of that, it was a highly stressful trip for me which can supposedly interfere with weight loss and, in my case, will cause me to choose comfort foods which always means I turn to salt. So taking all that into consideration, I am very happy with any loss at all.
This .6 also puts me at a solid 5 pounds lost in 2 weeks which feels really good!
53 lbs to go!
.6 is good. Way to go!