ZS and Colin rode the bumper cars (definitely a daddy activity) and while I think she had fun she looked unsure the whole time!
Here are ZS, Sully, and Helen in front of Big Tex. Also, she got that Angry Bird for free......so is so cute people just give her stuff all the time, no joke.
There was a little green house that had a train running through it. The smell made me wish I had time to devote to my yard.
Jude and me.
Cort and me.
There was this super cool guy on stilts dressed up as a tree. Scout was frightened at first (understandably) but soon warmed up and tried to pick the leaves off of him.
Colin and Zoe Scout pretending to be flowers.
Here are Colin and Scout in front of the ferris wheel. They rode it together with Julie, Sully, and Helen and their bags of cotton candy. I am sure they left their car sticky!
Here is Zoe Scout in one of the educational pavilions. This asparagus was trying to inspire kids to eat healthy. I am not sure asparagus is the right veggie to pick. Maybe something a little more kid friendly, like a carrot or potato.
Here are just some randoms since I haven't posted pics of the kids in a while.
Zoe Scout got a Target gift card from her Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Tommy for her birthday and she used it to buy this Strawberry Shortcake doll which she was happy to show off!

Now that the boys are big enough to sit up in the tub they have turned their baby tub into a toy. You have to keep watch though....sometimes one will try to crawl out and accidentally flip the other boy over.

A couple of weeks ago FWFD engine 37 made a morning stop at Chick-Fil-A and we got to take pictures on and in the truck and with the CFA cow dressed as a firefighter.
Last weekend ZS and I went to Broken Bow Oklahoma for a Bate Family Girls weekend. She had a blast and I gained some confidence in being able to take my children on a road trip by myself! One of the things we did was go on a trail ride. ZS and I rode together.
One of the daily activities at our house is for the twins to empty the tupperware cabinet. I have to say, I am growing very weary of putting it all back multiple times a day. I let them play in there because otherwise I would have two babies who would constantly want to be held while I am cooking.
Recently they have discovered that they can 1) climb inside the cabinet and 2) close each other in.
Sometimes when we get too much lotion in the boys hair after bath time we like to make mohawks...... Jude's is pretty impressive but Cort's is still a little short.

Scout playing as a super hero with her towel cape.

Colin and I turned over the kitchen table the other day to fix a wobbly leg and discovered that Scout had officially marked her territory by writing her name under the table.

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