Let's start off with cuteness from Things 2 & 3. Cort on the left, Jude on the right.
FYI: Key to the twins - Cort has brown hair and brown eyes and is the smaller boy. Jude has blonde hair and blue eyes and is the larger boy.
Fort Worth Children's Museum
We went with our friends Sully, Helen, and mom, Julie. Here are all 5 kids at the planetarium.
This was an air tube where you could make your own UFO and watch it fly. Of course, Zoe was uninterested in making one and opted to swipe other children's and throw those into the tube.
Making party hats.
This is a grocery store and it was madness! Imagine Wal-Mart at Superbowl half-time and then turn all the shoppers in to preschoolers.......yup.
There is only a limited number of carts and baskets so anytime one child walks away from one it is madness to try to claim it as your own. Normally, I am not the kind of mom who constantly gets in the way of healthy play and children working things out between themselves. Zoe Scout was involved in a few minor altercations with other kids but due to her somewhat manipulative negotiating skills she was able to get herself out of some sticky situations.
I did finally intervene when she started hoarding groceries on the bench beside me.
The last thing we did was the dino dig outside. This is always ZS's favorite because there is nothing she loves more then digging in the dirt.
After soaking her shoes and socks in the little stream she jettisons the shoes.
If you look closely you can see that her wet socks are now caked with an entire beach worth of sand.
And if that wasn't enough she laid down.....
......all the way. You can see why this is the last activity of the day.
Last note: PLEASE say "thank you" to any and all firemen that you see. They work very hard for our safety and give every ounce of energy they have to protect us. This is Colin at about 7:00pm, totally exhausted from work. He is my firefighting hero!
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