"A fig for partridges and quails,
ye dainties I know nothing of ye;
But on the highest mount in Wales,
Would choose in peace to drink my coffee."
-Johnathon Swift

Ok, so maybe I wouldn't go all the way to Wales, but to drink coffee in peace would be wonderful! I remember the mornings over 5 years ago when I would wake to the smell of the coffee brewing and slowly roll out of bed, stumble into the kitchen and pour myself a large cup of coffee (with extra sugar, of course) and melt into my pink couch with Chloe (my jack russell) and enjoy my quiet morning with no husband or children. Nowadays...........

I still get to have my coffee but my sips seem to be punctuated by changing diapers, flipping bacon, and the occasional nuclear meltdown that getting up before 7:00am can cause in a 4 yr old. I guess it is a good thing that the coffee interruptions come with sweet smiles and the truth is, that having a family leads me to believe that coffee was really invented for moms.

I love this picture. It is so hard to capture both boys smiling at the same time but somehow it happened.
This is also perfectly demonstrates the two boys personalities. Jude is a whole face smiler while Cort is just happy to be entertained.
This week the boys had their 4 month check up and everything was great. I remember when Zoe Scout was little I did not worry about anything concerning her development. I have found though that I am always a little nervous when the boys have to go to the doctor. I am not sure why this is. Maybe it is because they were preemies or maybe because it is because they are boys. Colin tells me that he felt the same way about Scout.
Jude weighed in at 16 lbs 5oz which believe it or not is only the 56th percentile. It does however make him the biggest Parr baby by far. Sweet Chunky Monkey!

Cort made a much smaller impact on the scale at only 13lbs 5oz. A whole 3lbs less then his brother!
I think this is one of the things that makes the boys so fun......they are so different. When I was pregnant I read an article that described fraternal twins as two separate pregnancies at once. This becomes more and more clear to me every day and fascinates me to no end. I am sure as they grow up and become men they will have a hard time convincing others that they are twins.
Here is another rare moment. Zoe Scout clearly favors Cort over Jude. She says it is because Cort looks like her. Little does she realize now that while she and Cort share many physical features, it is Jude that seems to be the most like her personality wise. As a matter of fact, I think Jude is going to give her a run for her money when it comes to who can be the loudest and talk the most.
Anyway, I caught her loving on Jude a couple of mornings ago. I was blow drying my hair and heard Jude from the living room announcing that he had wakened from his nap. I rushed to retrieve him from his swing before he woke up Cort and deposited him on the bed with ZS while I finished getting ready. I figured she would just go about her business and ignore him as usual but she took the opportunity to snuggle with him and describe what was going on in "Wallace and Gromit". He loved the attention!

I feel like the last five months have gone by so fast. I am amazed at how big the boys look in the crib now. They used to look so small when I would put them in there together and now I feel like the time when they will be sleeping separately is not far off. They do seem to always find their way right next to each other during the night no matter how I lay them down.
I am not usually the parent who give Zoe Scout baths. It is one of those activities that I gladly give over to Colin. Bath time seems to take so much energy and the truth is that by 5:00 most of my energy is gone. This is one time though were I was giving the bath and we had fun playing

hair styles.
It took her a while to catch on and when she did she laughed so hard at the silly things you can do to hair when it is full of shampoo.

Being a child is so much fun. Zoe Scout's joy is such a reminder to me to try to find laughable moments during the day. I often find myself thinking only about what needs to be done and then she marches into the room and says something like "Mommy, I really like your threads!" She makes my heart happy!