Neither one of them got nearly as messy as Zoe Scout did the first time she had spaghetti.......
This was taco soup night.....I think I was at a wedding so poor Colin had to bath them all by himself. It looks like they enjoyed it!
The boys always try to sneak food from their sister when they think we are not looking. This night Zoe Scout was having grilled cheese, which happens to be one of the boys favorites so Cort tried to get some before I saw.......
When I did see he tried to turn on the charm which, of course, could you be mad at that face?
Jude has a couple of new things he likes to do. He has started wearing Scout's Thomas backpack all over the house. He looks a little too old for me!

They both also have a new found fascination with the dishwasher. I think this happened when Colin wasn't looking. You can tell by the look on his face that he knows he has been caught!

Another new game is playing "Where is brother?" This is one of my favorite incarnations of it. Jude stands on the arm of the chair in the living room and looks over the ledge while Cort runs around and tries to scare him.
This is probably one of the last times they slept together. After they starting getting so sick last year they stopped sleeping in the same crib. It makes my heart happy to remember them like this!