One of the things that thrills me about Cort & Jude is that they are so drawn to music. While they seem to love music in any form they are especially fond of being sung me! ZS was never too responsive to my singing so I was delighted to find that the twins enjoy pretty much anything I put a tune to.
They get the biggest grins on their faces and seem to really mellow out when I sing! Yay!
Here are a few of their favorites.
Dites MoiThis is from the movie
South Pacific. If you haven't seen it, shame on you. Stop reading this right now and pull up your Netflix queue and put it in your #1 spot. Now that we have handled that......
Dites Moi is the song that Emile De Becque sings with his children. When I was a baby my parents actually sang this to me and I discovered that the boys like it because my mom had Jude one day and when she was singing it to him he "sang" along. The clip is at 6:20.
French Words:
Dites-moi Pourquoi La vie est belle,
Dites-moi Pourquoi La vie est gai,
Dites-moi Pourquoi, Chere Mad'moiselle,
Est-ce que Parce que Vous m'aimez?
English words:
Tell me why life is beautiful
Tell me why life is happy
Tell me why dear madmoiselle
Is it because you love me?
Little Black Rain CloudI believe this is from the first featurette released starring
Winnie The Pooh. It is such a sweet song and Cort especially likes this one.
This song is from
The Sound Of Music. It is the story of the Von Trapp family and if you have not seen it, add this one to your Netflix queue also! This song pulls at my heartstrings because just like Dites Moi, it is a parent singing to their children. Edelweiss is a white flower that grows in the Alps.
There are several other songs that they love including Puff, The Magic Dragon but these three are clearly their favorites. Who knows maybe we have a couple of musicians on our hands.....I am sure Colin would be delighted to form is own band!